Caskets and Urns
Caskets or coffins?
What’s the difference? Coffin is the term that has traditionally been used in England and refers to a shaped casket that is wider at the shoulders and more pointed at the feet. A casket is an oblong (rectangle) shape and commonly seen in the United States of America.
In New Zealand we use casket to describe both shapes as it is seen as a more modern and less oppressive word.
Our standard caskets are manufactured locally from particleboard/MDF and finished with a rimu or mahogany veneer, or painted in a range of colours.
We can also order in a wider range of caskets for delivery within 48 hours.

As part of the process of planning a cremation with you, Evans Funeral Services will discuss the options available for the scattering or burial of ashes. Attendance at the burial of ashes is welcomed and encouraged. We can also assist with the scattering of ashes or with returning them to another centre or overseas.
Following a cremation, the cremated remains (commonly referred to as ashes) are returned to the funeral home in an acrylic urn. The urn is suitable for storage, interment, or if you are choosing to scatter the ashes at a later date.
Whether you wish to keep the cremated remains at home, or bury them, you may choose to have them placed in a more attractive and decorative urn.
Our urns are similar to the casket range. An urn can be made of solid wood or particleboard/MDF, or may be resin, slate or metal based. You may also choose to supply your own container into which we will transfer the ashes.