Your Choice Of Funeral
The funeral of today is a very different affair to the funeral of fifteen or twenty years ago. It is more personalised, and less ritualised, than ever before.
In contrast, more and more people are opting to forgo the funeral service. The focus becomes the disposal of the deceased – “according to their wishes”.
We have more “personal choice” than ever, wider access to alternative religions and a new view of spirituality. We are living longer, but less collegially.
All of these factors give us choices: Traditional funeral? Personalised “life celebration”? Private service? Ash interment service? Graveside service? "Straight cremation"?
"A good funeral gets the dead where they need to go and the living where they need to be."
Thomas Lynch (US poet and undertaker)

Funeral Services
Over time customs and rituals have evolved. Those that remain with us today are the ones that have proven to offer the most comfort and support.
The funeral is a final opportunity for family and friends to publicly express their love and respect for the person who has died. If it is arranged carefully and sensitively so that it reflects the feelings and fulfils the needs of everyone attending, then it can be enormously beneficial in helping people come to terms with their loss.
The funeral represents the first and most important step towards working through one’s grief and readjusting to life. Its significant therapeutic value is widely recognised.
From a practical point of view, the funeral ensures the legal, reverent and dignified burial or cremation of the person who has died.
Burial or Cremation?
During your first contact with Evans Funeral Services, the funeral director will ask you whether the person who has died wished to be buried or cremated. The choice – burial or cremation – determines which kind of medical certificate we are legally required to obtain.
Where and When?
When to hold the funeral is entirely up to you. You may wish to work around existing family commitments, and travel times.
The most important thing is not to rush your decisions - let time slow down and allow yourselves the space to make the choices you need to make.
The anticipated size of the funeral, and whether it is public or private, will help you to choose the right venue. Church or Chapel? Event Centre, Home, Garden or Graveside?
Talk about your venue ideas with us - we are experienced in setting up both traditional and alternative venues.

Celebrant, Minister, Friend?
Any person is able to conduct a funeral service. There is enormous value in choosing someone experienced in ceremony. We are happy to recommend a number of highly skilled celebrants capable of tailoring a service to your needs, whether they be religious or secular.
The minister or celebrant is ultimately responsible for the flow of the funeral ceremony. Working closely with the funeral director, they will help you to:
plan the format of the funeral service;
decide who will deliver the eulogy and tributes – family member(s), close personal friend;
select music, readings or poetry for the service;
decide on the use of other symbols such as candles, flowers and photos as required;
formulate the content of the printed service sheets; and
schedule any audiovisual presentations in the service.
Time Together
Spending time with the deceased is a natural part of some cultures, but not all. It is always a matter of personal choice.
Many families choose to take the person home or to another venue, and we also offer a private viewing room adjacent to our chapel.
Your choice of whether or not to view, and the timing of the funeral, will allow us to decide together whether embalming is necessary or desireable.