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Our Vehicles

Evans Funeral Services offers a modern fleet of purpose-built hearses as part of our service to clients and their families.

We have two Ford Falcon hearses and a Holden hearse custom-built by Bunce, in regular use for funeral services. We can also use our lighter coloured transfer vehicles if you prefer.


The impressive Holden hearse purchased in 2013 has a retractable deck and a concealed side utility door for storage of church trolleys and equipment.

Travelling in Cortege

When the hearse departs it will drive away at a sedate pace with headlights illuminated. It is appropriate for following cars to do the same.


The cortege (the vehicle procession led by the hearse) usually travels at around 20% less than the speed limit and may slow or pause at sites of significance.


Please let your funeral director know if there is  a special route you wish to take.


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