Time Together
Spending time with the deceased is a natural part of some cultures, but not all. It is always a matter of personal choice.
Viewing the deceased can be a positive experience, especially for those who have not been able to say goodbye personally. After a prolonged illness, it can be comforting to see the person is at rest and no longer suffering. A viewing can also assist in the grieving process as it allows people to begin to accept the reality of the death of the person. It can be a time to place mementos such as cards, letters, small gifts, photos, flowers and other significant objects in the casket with the person.

Spending time with someone who has died is just as important for children and teenagers as for adults. Historically children were not involved in the funeral, but today most people agree that they should have the same opportunity to view the person who had died and to attend the funeral if they wish. Children benefit from being included in the preparations for a funeral. Visiting, seeing and touching someone they love can be a positive experience as it allows them to say goodbye and helps them to accept the reality and finality of death.
Many families choose to take the person home or to another venue, and we also offer a private viewing room adjacent to our chapel. We encourage visiting between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday. You are welcome to visit outside these hours by organising a convenient time with your funeral director.
Before you spend time with the person who has died, we will ask you to bring in the clothing you would like them to be dressed in. When deciding on the clothing to be worn, remember to include all undergarments. We will normally dress the person and place them in the casket. Family are also welcome to dress the person who has died or assist us in this process.
Your funeral director will ask if jewellery is to be left on the deceased, or returned to the family before the funeral.
The Gisborne region is home to many different cultures and religions. We have established strong relationships over many years with a wide range of community groups, so you can be assured that we will do everything we can to accommodate your own community practices and protocols.
Maori make up around 45% of the Gisborne population. Our funeral directors are familiar with local tikanga and marae kawa. We understand the importance of staying with the tupapaku. We endeavour to minimise the time that the whanau pani are separated from the deceased, ensuring their return to your care as quickly as possible.
We provide a private viewing room in which family can dress the deceased, and we are happy to assist as required. Our chapel is available for services prior to leaving for the marae, and for evening services until 9pm. Family are welcome to travel with us on the journey home, to the marae, or to the urupa, and are encouraged to use their own transport if they prefer.
The care and respect we give to the person who has died begins from the time they are transferred into our care. All our funeral staff are fully trained in conducting the transfer in a dignified and caring manner whether the place of death is in a private home, hospital or more public place.This standard of care continues right through the entire process of the funeral preparations.
When you advise us of the death we will ask you whether we are able to carry out our normal preparations. At this stage we are seeking your verbal approval for us to begin embalming. We recommend embalming when the person is to be viewed at home or marae, or when the funeral is not being held immediately.
Our qualified embalmers take care of the preparation of the person who has died. At all times the person is handled as if family members are present: with full dignity and care. We attach a great deal of significance to the preparation for a viewing; dressing and grooming are a very important part of this process. We do not routinely apply cosmetics, so please let us know if you wish us to. The end result of mortuary care is that the person who has died is presented in a safe, clean and hygienic way.
We are proud of our high standard of service for the repatriation of the person who has died to any other centre in New Zealand or any other country in the world. We have a modern mortuary and professionally qualified embalmers available to meet the exacting standards required by transportation authorities. We are skilled in attending to all documentation required.